Posts by tag: teaching

Is there a single word for teaching and learning?

Is there a single word for teaching and learning?

  • Jul, 28 2023
  • 0

Just like a pineapple isn't an apple and a hotdog isn't a dog that's hot, there isn't a single word that encapsulates both teaching and learning. It's like trying to find a unicorn in a horse race, folks! This topic had me scratching my head like a confused rooster at dawn. Although, wouldn't it be a game-changer if we had such a word? But alas, the English language, in all its vastness, is yet to gift us with that special one-word package. So, until then, we'll keep juggling these two words, just like I juggle my dirty laundry and my deadlines!

Do private schools teach financial education to the students?

Do private schools teach financial education to the students?

  • May, 12 2023
  • 0

As a blogger, I've recently delved into the topic of financial education in private schools. It seems that private schools are increasingly incorporating financial literacy into their curricula, recognizing the importance of preparing students for the real world. However, the extent of financial education varies greatly from school to school. Some institutions offer comprehensive programs, while others only touch on basic concepts. Overall, it's promising to see private schools taking steps to equip students with crucial financial skills, but there is still room for growth in this area.